February Newsletter
20 Years!!
2023 is 3SNY’s 20th anniversary year. We’re gonna have tons of things to commemorate this milestone in the car club’s history. Shirts, Jackets, Decals, and many other items. Arrangements are also being made to celebrate the club’s momentous occasion. The club is continuing to grow and evolve. There are plenty more things in store for the club and I will be sharing them with you as the year progresses.
Upcoming Meets
Season Opener
Saturday March 18 @ 2:00 PM
Time to come out from hibernation and start getting ready for car season. we’ll be inspecting one anothers cars and assisting with any light maintenance work for anyone that needs help. Weather permitting; we’ll also have a small bbq.
MAG Prep
Saturday April 15th @ 2:00 PM
With the 4th MAG quickly approaching. We will take time to review final preparations involved in putting this meet together. Afterwards we’ll be taking a short cruise and go out for dinner.
4th Annual Mid Atlantic Gathering
MAG Registrations Now Open
MAG Registrations Now Open !!!
New York Drive and 3SNY’s latest annual event. 2023 will be the 4th year of hosting this event. The event will take place from Thursday April 27th and end Sunday April 30th. Ocean City, MD is a great destination and an ideal road trip distance. The event will consist of a Thursday fine dining experience. Friday’s are what we like to consider exploration and prep days. This is where we take an opportunity to visit locations unique to the area. Fridays also give attendees time to prepare their car for Saturday car show.
Weather is always a concern but we always plan for varying weather conditions. Please be sure to click on the image for more information and to register for the event.
Social Media
Its been sometime since i’ve created any YouTube videos or posted on Instagram. But that doesn’t mean things aren’t going on behind the scenes. I have been making a list of topics and events we plan on providing content for. Content takes time to create and needs to be well planned out. I have tons of footage but after reviewing them all. I wasn’t satisfied with all the footage and audio. I’ve taken steps to hopefully; provide better quality content.
Im always willing to here your feedback from previous content and ideas about future content. As a club; we never focused on social media. But I know we have unique content that im sure others would enjoy. This year I plan to dedicate a significant amount of time to our social media accounts. This will be an integral component to the clubs future.