February Newsletter


Just kidding… Well kind of. Most video and photo contributions are submitted by myself and Mark. But there are many facets of running the car club. If you believe there is a skill or talent you posses that you feel can help out the car club. Just let me know. Social media will be a big focus of improvement over last year. If you are available just to hold a camera, come up with video ideas, or even write story boards. I will be willing to teach you and show how the magic is done.

Syed Hassan is currently looking venues for us to partake in. Mark always helps with photography and video editing. Like I said, there is always something to do. Just hit me up and I can find projects for you to work on. Justin@nydrive.club

Upcoming Events

Season Opener

Saturday March 29, 2025

Car prep & bbq

Click here for more info

Higher Learning

In an effort to grow the club and foster the next generation of automotive enthusiasts. I am developing a program to encourage younger members to join our ranks. The membership will be called, “Student Member”. The membership will be offered at a significantly lower cost from the standard membership. The cost will be $30.00 for the year and they will afforded the same benefits of a standard membership. The membership fee is to cover the cost of t-shirt and decal.

To qualify you must be 18-22 years old and be a full time student. I think this can be extremely beneficial for everyone involved. When we were kids working on our own cars, saving our pennies for parts, and seeking automotive knowledge from anywhere we can find it. How great would it have been to have a bunch of experienced like minded people to help us. This is what the program is looking to accomplish.

I am looking to implement this program some time next month. But your input is encouraged before its roll out.

Texting Option

To ensure that all members are staying a breast of the all the events we have upcoming and any other news pertaining to the club. You now have the option to receive links via text, email, or both.

Recommendations Please

Time to plan is now. I’ve put together a draft schedule for next year. I have also selected a new location for the 2025 North East Gathering. If there are any events, venues, restaurants, or point of interest you would like me to consider adding. Please utilize the email form below.