November Newsletter

Help Fund

The club was able to raise $500.00 for the tragedy that has occurred down south. I wanted to point out that Emilie never ask that funding get sent to her directly. She provided several links to various groups to send the funds we collected. I ultimately decided to give the money to her directly and distribute it as she saw fit. Emilie and Hans has gone above and beyond to assist the community. They are doing supply runs for responders, food service facilities, and local donation centers, as well as fuel runs to help keep the fuel containers stocked for chimney rock residents' generators.

I want to take thank everyone that contributed. When we come together we can do great things.

Texting Option

To ensure that all members are staying a breast of the all the events we have upcoming and any other news pertaining to the club. You now have the option to receive links via text, email, or both.

Upcoming Events

Club Meeting

Saturday november 23, 2024 @ 6:00PM

Discussion and Dinner

Click here for more info


Time to plan is now. I’ve put together a draft schedule for next year. I have also selected a new location for the 2025 North East Gathering. If there are any events, venues, restaurants, or point of interest you would like me to consider adding. Please utilize the email form below.